Attachment and Relationships Therapy

Our early relationship experiences shape how we engage in adolescent and adult relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. When we feel safe, protected, supported, and consistently loved early in life, we have a better chance at healthy relationships as an adult. We call these secure attachments. Most of us have endured a hard relationship, encounter, or series of experiences that shift our capacity for secure connection.

When this happens, our relationships can feel harder to maintain, anxiety provoking, difficult to trust, and a strain to stay connected consistently. Working on our own attachment system and relationship style can ease the burden and free us up to be more connected and consistent with those we love. It can also help us identify healthy and unhealthy patterns more quickly, so we can protect ourselves with clearer boundaries and autonomy. In return, relationships will feel more clear and comfortable, even in the hard moments. 


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Books and Audiobooks