Couples Therapy
A relationship is a living and breathing entity, with an identity all of its own, as unique as the individuals involved. The sum is greater than the whole. One plus one does not equal two; one plus one equals three, or one plus more equals n+1. It is always present and it needs room to grow, just like the individuals involved. Every couple happens upon - or are thrust into - difficult waters and have to learn to swim together, in new ways.
Sometimes these struggles stretch the capacity of the relationship in ways that start to break it apart. Many couples seek help when the relationship is well past its breaking point and is about to snap. This is of course a good time to call in for help. We at The Journey Center also find great value and success when couples call in for help when they start to see the difficult waters approaching. Either way, asking for help is a vulnerable and scary thing, especially when your partner(s) is also feeling the uncertainty of the relationship.
At The Journey Center, we have several therapists who can work with your relationship to repair, strengthen, and build new connections. You can start couples therapy when you are dating, engaged, married, separated, divorced, or any other combination of coupling and being in relationship with one or more consensual partners. Our only requirement is that all individuals involved have the same goal: either healing and strengthening the relationship or conscious uncoupling. We do not work with relationships that are undecided. If this is the case, we recommend individual therapy first, so that each partner can get clear about their wants, needs, and desires for the relationship.
Who Can Help:
Kayla Tapia
Shahrukh Shah-O’Higging
Seth Kirby
Keely Easterling