Family Therapy
Families come in all shapes, sizes, flavors, and colors. There is no one “right” way to be a family. We see each family as a living entity all on its own, with its own identity, values, norms, expectations, and developmental process. Your family is unique just like each individual’s personality. Because of this, there is no cookie-cutter approach to what makes a family healthy. In many cases, clients experience family therapy as “the faster way” to healing in a system that feels broken. Individual therapy will certainly help with individual issues and can help shift a system that is unhealthy. However, engaging everyone involved can bring about change and transformation for the whole system, which benefits everyone involved - not just the identified client.
Our job here at The Journey Center is to help you define what family is for you and your loved ones and help find the most connected way to engage, from all angles. You may engage in family therapy starting at the very first session, or you may engage in family therapy intermittently throughout an individual’s healing process. Sometimes the whole family is involved, and sometimes only part of the family needs to be involved. This will be an open dialogue between you and your therapist and the members of your family who are willing to participate.
Who Can Help:
Shahrukh Shah-O’Higgins
Jackie Hughes