Grief and Loss Therapy

Grief comes in many forms. Losing a loved one is often the most common form that comes to mind when we think about grief. There are many other forms of grief: loss of a relationship, loss of a physical ability, loss of a job, loss of a right or access, loss of hope for the future, loss of what could never be. All of these experiences put a strain on our hearts and make the business of living harder to do.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve; it is unique to each individual. What does seem to be common is that the emotions of grief come in waves, often unprovoked and unexpected. This can be a startling and unsettling experience. Naming that it is grief can help. Processing your grief with a trusted person or therapist can also help ease the uncertainty and pain. Time doesn’t heal the pain of grief. We eventually find a way to expand our heart so that we can live more comfortably with our loss and make room for more life.


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Grief Books and Audiobooks