Seth Kirby, MA, NCC

Young man, smiling, standing by a brick wall

Adult Individual and Couples Therapist

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from East Tennessee State University

Treatment Focus: Non-Traditional Relationships, Kink, Chronic Medical Conditions, Disability Sexuality, and LGBTQ+

Life can be incredibly difficult, even in the best of times, due to everyday challenges or simply existing as your authentic self. For some, this may look like a relationship with multiple partners, being aromantic or asexual, having a relationship with yourself, learning more about yourself and how you engage in sexuality via integrating kink, or simply existing in life in a marginalized body - be it race, gender, sexuality, weight, ability status, or any number of visible and invisible characteristics for which broader society struggles to make space. My goal is to create a space where we can work together to address your needs and wants while dismantling some of the shame, powerlessness, and barriers faced by many groups. 

As a therapist, I believe clients deserve someone to hold space for them who is not only accepting and aware of topics clients bring to session, but immersed in learning, understanding, and active support of the communities they serve. I graduated from East Tennessee State University with a M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and I have a strong research background with publications in several areas of mental health and behavioral neuroscience (Schizophrenia, Nicotine, ADHD, Depression, and Spatial Memory). My therapeutic approach focuses heavily on review of systemic/power dynamics, dismantling oppressive actions, client empowerment, and focus on the individual as a whole. People are their life experiences and those coalesce as a whole being who perceives and engages with the world in unique ways - and deserves to receive care tailored to their individuality. 

Currently, I work with several other therapists in the community who volunteer their time to PRISM: A LGBTQIA+ Support Group for Teens in the Tri-Cities and a new related parent support group. The LGBTQIA+ community is one I am very passionate about, and am working to support wherever possible. 

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Recommended Resources:


Shahrukh Shah-O’Higgins, LPC-t


New Therapist, Coming Soon!!