Master’s in Counseling Student Intern Sid Blevins

Child, Adolescent and Adult Therapy Intern

Our student interns are counselors in training, from graduate education programs in the Appalachia area. They are under the direct supervision of our clinical directors Sybil and JJ, and our clinical supervisors, Kiley, Kelsey, Connie, Molly, Kayla and Cristin. They are working toward their graduate degrees in counseling. Part of their education is practical experience in an internship setting. Our center hosts up to 3 interns each semester, offering a rich learning experience for them and an easily accessible source for mental health treatment for our community.

To schedule with them, contact our main office at 423.408.8041 or support@journeycentercounseling or fill out our new client inquiry form and mark that you want to work with one of our interns.

Treatment focus: Trauma, Grief, Relationships, Self-Discovery, Racial Identity, LGBT+ ally

Trainings: Person-Centered Therapy

This world of ours is made up of many worlds, overlapping, ping-ponging off of each other, vying for supremacy, skittering off into dark corners to grow into something terrible, or blossoming into gorgeous, expansive ways of being. As a counselor in training, I consider it a sacred privilege to walk alongside clients as they try to make sense of their own worlds and to help them find the strength and resilience within themselves to lead meaningful lives.

My areas of interest include identity issues, life transitions, racial identity, loss, grief, anxiety, and depression. While Person-Centered Therapy is the cornerstone of my work, I take a humanist and constructivist approach to working with clients. I strive to create a non-judgmental and accepting environment where you are free to explore your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. I also believe that we make sense of our lives through the stories we tell.

These stories that we tell about ourselves are inevitably shaped by forces–cultural, societal, economic– that are not always within our power to control. Sometimes these stories can limit our vision for what is possible in our lives. Through Narrative Therapy, I work to identify and examine your story with you, and if need be, assist you in re-authoring your life in a way that feels more empowered, authentic, and fulfilling.

Favorite Quotes:

“Just walk fearlessly into the house of mourning, for grief is just love squaring up to its oldest enemy. And after all these mortal human years, love is up to the challenge.” - Catherine Burns

“It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive.” - James Baldwin

“This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.” - David Lynch

Recommended Resources:


Master’s in Counseling Student Intern Mattie Raza